A home for self-discovery

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Building a Work-In-Progress Business

Over the past two years, as I’ve been gearing up to launching the LBB, I’ve been working with two incredible coaches Jessica Dance and Elaine of Studio 1850 to help change my mindset, and undo blocks surrounding how to create and procure my dream business without compromising on my needs and wants, as well as reinstalling my self-trust and confidence.

Building a work-in-progress business

As most of you may already know, I don’t do things by the book and it’s been a struggle for many years to allow and surrender to letting myself just “be”, because there isn’t a rulebook to follow here. It’s wonderful, but it’s also tricky because I’m building something totally new, and that blank-slate “freedom” to create is an open space for self-doubt to creep in.

I needed the confidence to lead by example. To be open and transparent with the fact that this is a human-centred business, built to encompass shifts in mood, weather, seasons, inspiration, energy, who I’m surrounded by and where I am in the world.

Aligned action

This work with Jessica and Elaine helped me find my footing, creating a steady inner foundation to be able to take aligned action from. Another person who deserves a mention is my friend Mariko Pon, who spent many hours with me talking through my ideas, concepts and instilling confidence in what I am doing as well as helping me with my brand, organisation of ideas. She also reassured me of my purpose and was honest about how me being the living example allowed her to make more intentional choices and reassess her own conditioning around areas in her life.

Though I’d done the inner work, I still struggled with communicating what I was doing to the outside world, feeling stuck and stifled as if I was mute. For the past year, Jess Ione Henshall had been on my radar as someone I wanted to work with, and Elaine reconfirmed that she was the missing puzzle piece in helping to express and bring what I was doing tangibly to the outside world.

An on-going process

This isn’t a rigid structure — it’s a moving space, formed through learning, trial and error, testing the waters, and finding what resonates at each stage. Here, you’ll witness me changing my mind, moving things around, putting things on, taking things away, making mistakes. Nothing is perfect, it’s a process, and I’m so happy to invite you into that process with me as it unfolds.

Explore more in The Living Edition:

A growing library of resources with written and audio notes detailing my personal experiences and recommendations.

See this gallery in the original post