The Circle by Spirit Daughter
The Circle is a course membership and community that brings you twelve courses designed to empower you to change your life and awaken your soul.
My Human Design with Jenna Zoe
Human Design is the art and science of differentiation, encouraging us to come home to who we really are, embracing all parts of ourselves to step into our dream life.
Chani: Your Money Workshop
Learn how to navigate money’s tricky terrain and support your inner assets.
Brand Foundation Course
A course to help you create a brand ethos that welcomes your community into something deeper.
Pricing For Creatives
It's Time to End the Pricing Guessing Game. Learn everything you need to know about pricing for profit as a creative entrepreneur.
The Authentic Voice
Finding yourself, story, and language within your practice and brand: an instrumental writing course for creative practitioners by consultancy Studio 1850 and writer Jess Ione Henshall.