I love anything that is an all-in-one. Good ones are difficult to find. This is a rare example of that. I first used Emma a year or so ago when I was trying to get better with spending and set more budgets and track my finances. I soon lost interest because my mindset was not quite in line with how I actually wanted to live and I wasn’t ready to make that change.
However, after doing a lot of inner work, working with 2 coaches Jessica Dance and Elaine of Studio 1850, my mindset slowly began to shift into abundance and out of lack.
I have now since been using Emma for about 6 months and I have literally decreased my spending each month by about £300-500. The key is to have visibility over your numbers. Shanna Skidmore’s courses can help with this. It’s worth doing. I know it’ super boring but trust me if you feel ready to tackle this - it helps to see it as a game. The key really is to start with mindset first. Changing a habit won’t stick unless you know your “why” so wholeheartedly and to your core that you want to strongly illicit change.
I love how I set my budget every month and therefore know my spending limit everyday and can keep myself in check. You can also assign budgets to specific categories.